Jim Groom

The #umwconsole is officially in Betamax!

I picked up a pretty awesome Sanyo Betamax VCR player today. The Olympics sticker dates it at 1984!

Jim Groom

The cost of success #ds106

Jim Groom


Jim Groom

Noir106 Femme Fatale

Brilliant resource for open online radio show.

Jim Groom

D&D Green Slime Ad #umwconsole


Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

9 Highlights from the First and Only Sears Catalog On LaserDisc 

The first and only Sears catalog on laserdisc

Jim Groom

Looks like E.T. finally made it home to the #umwconsole thanks to the great @timmmmyboy #4life

Jim Groom

Hey, I am with the composition students installing their own domains because they rule

Jim Groom

Games like Missile Command, Defender, Ms Pacman, etc for 5200 are arcade quality #umwconsole

Jim Groom

The great @timmmmyboy visited the #umwconsole this morning, schooled him at Combat :)

Jim Groom

The Atari 5200 is a very bulky system and the joystick design is terrible #umwconsole

Jim Groom

Up close and personal with Ms Pacman for the 5200 #umwconsole

Jim Groom

An excellent assortment of 5200 cartridges #umwconsole

Jim Groom

This morning we got a new console for the #umwconsole exhibit thanks to Shannon Swanson #atari5200

Jim Groom

Back to the Future of Media Covergence #umwconsole

I think this poster officially dates the exhibit to 1985

Jim Groom

Kung Fu is the latest addition to NES cartridge collection for #umwcolse

Jim Groom

Look at @spativa and @timmmmyboy, a couple of regular @CanvasLMS grant superheroes! #umw

Mary Kayler and Tim Owens celebrating the announcement of their Canvas grant to integrate WordPress more deeply into that LMS. Is it possible? We will see. Read more here: https://blog.timowens.io/bridging-canvas-to-the-open-web/

Jim Groom

Sue Fernsebner contributes Yars Revenge to the #umwconsole cause

Jim Groom

Back in the USSR #umwconsole

Zach Whalen time appropriate world globe subtly points to the geo-politial realities that framed 1985. The Cold War and Vietnam were still very much with us. Mother Russia was ground Zero for the USSR, and Rambo: First Blood, Pt. II was out in theaters. Latch-key kids would come home to play Space Invaders in hopes that they could ward off the highly organized aliens from world domination. The metaphors of the moment are everywhere.

Jim Groom

One of the coolest details of #umwconsole is @zachwhalen's period appropriate world globe

Jim Groom

Another angle of the Console Living Room at #UMW. #paneling #umwconsole #4life

We are still waiting on the Back to the Future poster, but once that goes up I think the first phase of the Console Living Room exhibit will be complete. The next stage is to promote the site, and have people donate elements to the space that make it a shared experience (real or imagined ) of a 1985 living room.

Jim Groom

The Videodrome poster came in today. Dr. Oblivion would be proud #umwconsole #thenewflesh

This is a nice shot of the almost completed reproduction of a 1985 living room at UMW. The Videodrome (1983) poster came in today, and nothing says convergence like James Woods corporally internalizing a VHS tape into his stomach :) We are still waiting on the back to the Future poster, but after that we are pretty much golden. You'll notice the details on the paneling are all done-Zach Whalen and I finished all the paneling up this afternoon thanks to the help of Kenny Horning in the Theatre department.

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Domain Knowledge" http://bavatuesdays.com/domain-knowledge/

Jim Groom

New blog post: "An Art Portfolio of One's Own" http://bavatuesdays.com/an-art-portfolio-of-ones-own/

Jim Groom

Cartridge packaging was such a huge part of the experience for me #umwconsole

Jim Groom

Here's a peek inside the 1981 Atari Video Computer System Catalog that shipped with Asteroids

Jim Groom

Asteroids shipped with this awesome catalog of games circa 1981. #umwconsole

Jim Groom

Tried out Asteroids for the 2600 just a few minutes ago, it works great. Thanks @ITjoemac #umwconsole

Jim Groom

Thanks to #UMW alum @ITjoemac we got this Atari 2600 classic delivered today for #umwconsole #classof08

Jim Groom

Blades of Steel arrived today, and it even works. Although the Maple Leafs whooped me #umwconsole

Jim Groom

Atari 2600 in focus #umwconsole

Jim Groom

A look at a few of the Atari 2600 cartridges we have available to play at the Console Living Room #umwconsole

Not a bad selection, if I do say so myself :)

Jim Groom

Tommaso digging latest addition to the #umwconsole exhibit: Coleco's Head-to-Head Football

This was one of my all-time favorite games as a kid, and I was surprised how quickly Tommaso picked up on the gameplay. It is stands up fairly well, and he spent a better part of this morning doing touchdown dances around the living room.

Jim Groom

Commodore Monitor #umwconsole

The owner of the TV repair shop is using a Commodore monitor as a test monitor. He has had it since he was a kid, and swears it's the best test monitor ever. It was not for sale :(

Jim Groom

Space Commander 300 -OG remote control that changed channels via sound! #umwconsole

No shit, this remote control has two different tones, and they would activate a motor on the TV that would change the channel. Trippy!

Jim Groom

Today's vinyl purchase is dedicated to the original roller queen @drgarcia #umwconsole

Is there anything more 80s than this vinyl record?

Jim Groom

I bought this Emerson TV today with manual and working remote for $20 #umwconsole

I got some bad news that the Quasar 25" Tv I bought a month ago needed some major surgery. I committed to the necessary organ transplants, but in the meantime bought another old school TV for the exhibit because I am a chronic consumer. God save capitalism and the 80s.

Jim Groom

1980s video discs on the wall #umwconsole

Turns out the TV repair shop in Petersburg where I bought the Quasar TV was originally a video store, and they had custom built holders for videodiscs on their wood paneled walls. The owner of the shop showed them to me, and I decided I would build something like this myself, one day.

Jim Groom

My mom used to call this the "Victrola" #umwconsole

This piece of history actually works. We are working on getting a new needle and cleaning up the radio tuner.

Jim Groom

A look at the preliminary setup of the Console Living Room #umwconsole

We hadn't yet moved the foosball in the living room, but you can get a sense of the space in this shot. And how about that love seat?

Jim Groom

.@zachwhalen adjusting the vertical hold #umwconsole

The faux wood panel entertainment center is pretty awesome. It actually has a whole side door for VHS tapes :)

Jim Groom

Various UMW students, including @Plamkeen, already having fun in the 80s living room! #umwconsole

After we got the initial furniture set and moved in the Atari 2600, student started immediately hanging out in the space, including a rare spotting of @Plamkeen.

Jim Groom

.@zachwahlen at home with students in the Console Living Room #uwmconsole

Yesterday the furniture for the exhibit was delivered, and everything really started to congeal. The furniture is perfect (we got it for nothing from the UMW Storehourse) and we have more than enough. We are thinking about creating two living rooms :) It took us about an hour and a half to set it up, and this weekend we will be building the panel walls and decorating them with time appropriate posters.

Jim Groom

Hollywood Flat Plans for the #umwconsole panel walls we'll be building this weekend

Kenny Horning from the theater department came by yesterday to help Zach Whalen and I plan how we would build the panel walls for the exhibit. These are the whiteboard plans with all the details. I learned that this particular design is called a Hollywood flat.

Jim Groom

"Blades of Steel!"

Jim Groom

Playing the Bible Adventures game for NES makes me wonder if there is really a Red Sea Crossing game for Atari 2600 #umwconsole

There is lore about this game, but I don't think any versions have materialized to confirm it existence. I guess we should take it on faith. http://www.engadget.com/2012/08/21/rare-atari-2600-game-red-sea-crossing-pops-up-in-philly-shop/

Jim Groom

"Pelican!" Karate Kid #umwconsole poster is now proudly hanging on my office door

Zach Whalen and Mike Black did the heavy lifting to get the UMW Console poster finished up. And we now have 60 posters with five different screens of various media. This should be fun!

Jim Groom

"Don't throw baby Moses in the water!" Bible Adventures for NES can be disturbing #umwconsole

The Baby Moses game story for the Bible Adventures NES allows you to throw baby Moses into the water, and then that's it. The game goes on, but there is no point. Seems like some deep, disturbing existential parable a la Nietszche.

Notice how the graphics seem to be inspired by the Super Mario Bros design.

Jim Groom

Caught @zachwhalen hitting TV for full Bible Adventures experience on NES #umwconsole

Zach is playing the Bible Adventures game Baby Moses. You can actually throw baby Moses into the water, and the gameplay goes on, although there is nothing else you can do. Kind of religiously existential.

Jim Groom

Bible Adventures game for NES includes long Biblical Quotes #umwconsole #gamifyreligion

This quote is from Genesis and is where God tells know I'm about to open the tap on you all. This is some hardcore gamifying of the Bible, although you only shepherd animals, so gameplay gets dull quick.

Jim Groom

Menu screen for Bible Adventures game for the NES #umwconsole

Zach Whalen has this wild NES game called Bible Adventures that let's you play through three different stories in the Old Testament: Noah's Ark, baby Moses, and David and Goliath. You spend most of your time shepherding animals, unless you are throwing babies in water. A truly wild game. It wasn't an official NES game, but rather a religious bootleg sold only in religious stores. Kinda like early religious rock bands, but for the NES :)

Jim Groom

Just secured some handheld awesome for #umwconsole exhibit: Coleco Head to Head Football

Jim Groom

Atari 2600 page from 1982 JC Penny Xmas Catalog #umwconsole

This image was found on the great Wishbook's Flickr site:

Jim Groom

Microsurgeon #umwconsole poster for upcoming Exhibit starting March 30 at #UMW

Zach Whalen and Mike Black have been hard at work on the UMW Console posters, I like what they've come up with a lot!

Jim Groom

VIC-20 #umwconsole poster for upcoming Exhibit starting March 30 at #UMW

Jim Groom

Super Mario #umwconsole poster for upcoming Exhibit starting March 30 at #UMW

Zach Whalen and Mike Black have been hard at work on the UMW Console posters, I like what they've come up with a lot!

Jim Groom

Karate Kid #umwconsole poster for upcoming Exhibit starting March 30 at #UMW

Zach Whalen and Mike Black have been hard at work on the UMW Console posters, I like what they've come up with a lot!

Jim Groom

Console Living Room poster for upcoming Exhibit starting March 30 at #UMW #umwconsole

Zach Whalen and Mike Black have been hard at work on the UMW Console posters, I like what they've come up with a lot!

Jim Groom

Historical Photobomb-can you guess who that is behind me?

Jim Groom

#IndieWebCamp group photo at #MIT meetup

Jim Groom

UMW Domains Growth through 3/19/2015 #umwdomains

The university is doing a story on UMW's Domain of One's Own, which pushed me to start tracking some data about the initiative thus far. I can break it down by how many students by class (i.e. Freshman, Sophomore, etc.), how many courses, number of faculty/staff, etc.

Domains Users
Fall 2013 389 364
Spring 2014 638 629
Fall 2014 1074 993
Spring 2015 1316 1256

Those number breakdown as follows:
971 Active students (or 997 -bit uncertainty here)
154 Graduates
131 Faculty and Staff

Also, we had 10 courses using DoOO in Fall 2013 and 14 in Spring 2014. In fall 2014 we had 23 courses, and 14 in Spring 2015.

Freshman: 127
Sophomores: 206
Juniors: 244
Seniors: 420

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Phoenix for the Atari 2600, perhaps the best gaemplay yet #umwconsole

Jim Groom

Phoenix Spaceship on the Atari 2600 #umwconsole

Jim Groom

Miles playing Phoenix on Atari 2600 #umwconsole

Miles came by my office this morning, and was really digging on the Atari 2600. Phoenix was his favorite (which is no surprise to me), and he was more than competent. Interestingly enough, he had real problems with the old school Atari joystick, which I realized are not designed for lefties. Whereas the joystick pictured here has a far more universal design.

Jim Groom

Close-up of the insane graphics for the Intellivision game Microsurgeon #umwconsole

Jim Groom

.@zachwahlen reading the Microsurgeon manual #umwconsole

Microsurgeon is a crazy Intellivision game based on The Fantastic Voyage. In other words, this game is designed around a ship that flies through a body and destroys invasive contagions.

Jim Groom

Star-Lord "A World of No Return" #umwconsole

Jim Groom

Captain America "Return of the Asthma Monster" compliments of your Physician

Jim Groom

"Defend the Galaxy" Ad for Star Frontier RPG Game #umwconsole

Jim Groom

"You're Building for Real" 1982 Legos Ad in Dazzler Comic

Jim Groom

1982 M Network games ad for Atari 2600 in the Dazzler comic

Jim Groom

Dazzler comic from 1982

Jim Groom

While cartridge art not inspired, port of Venture for Atari 2600 was #umwconsole

Jim Groom

The port of Phoenix for Atari 2600 in 1982 was impressive #umwconsole

And the art is totally Blade Runner-esque.

Jim Groom

Video Pinball for Atari 2600. Don't let the purists fool you, this one rules #umwconsole

Jim Groom

The 1981 Missile Command Cartridge for Atari 2600 may have had the grooviest art ever #umwconsole

Jim Groom

Cartridge for Haunted House (1981) #umwconsole

Another of my favorite games for Atari 2600.

Jim Groom

Most disappointing video game purchase of my life was back in 1981 #umwconsole

Pac-Man for the 2600 might have been the greatest disappointment of my life.

Jim Groom

Math Grand Prix -Gamified Education in 1982 #umwconsole

Gamification is nothing new, it's just more annoying now.

Jim Groom

Raiders of the Lost Ark for Atari 2600 Manual Cover #umwconsole

One of my personal favorite games for the Atari 2600 was Raiders of the Lost Ark. It took two joysticks to play, and may have been one of the most inelegant games ever. But I loved it.

Jim Groom

Art of the Microsurgeon Intellivision Game #umwconsole

Zach Whalen brought in this insane game for Intellivision called Microsurgeon, based on the film Fantastic Voyage, or the 80s adaptation Inner Space.

Jim Groom

Tales from the Crypt: S01E02 -"All Through the House"

Jim Groom

Coleco Video Games for the Atari 2600 #umwconsole

This is a promotional pamphlet that accompanied Coleco video games for the Atari 2600 console. Donkey Kong was decent, but I really liked Venture and the Smurf game, personally. Given how rudimentary Venture graphics were in the Coin-op version, it almost seemed like a flawless port to the 2600. As for Gargamel's Castle, well, I've been an unrepentant Smurf fan since second or third grade.

Zach Whalen brought this over along with a ton of video cartridge manuals and other "paratext" as he described it. This stuff is alike a waterfall of context nostalgia. Between the cartridge art, the player manuals, advertisements like this one, and the actual cartridges and consoles---I really couldn't be happier. My office has transformed into an early 80s showroom. I'll be scanning and blogging as much of the cartridge art, manuals, and advetisements as I can as part of the Console Living Room exhibit. And Iyou can be sure I'll be flooding all the social mediaz with what I discover.

Jim Groom

We now have 2 working Atari 2600 joysticks for #umwconsole exhibit, the third/spare (pictured) has 3/4 directions working

Jim Groom

Close-up of Atari 2600 joystick circuitry #umwconsole

Thanks to Zach Whale, I know have a rather solid understanding of how an Atari 2600 joystick works, and I consider that a very cool accomplishment.

Jim Groom

Disassembled Atari 2600 Joystick #umwconsole

Zach Whalen and I spent much of this afternoon working on the controllers for Atari 2600. Zach fixed the paddles for 2600, as well as the paddles on the Telestar (he was on fire). We finally got one of the two broken joysticks working for the 2600 which means we have a pair. Hopefully we'll get the third/spare joystick working soon enough.

Jim Groom

.@zachwhalen playing Space Armada on Intellivision #umwconsole

Jim Groom

Utopia brought to you by Mattel in 1981 #intellivision #umwconsole

Jim Groom

Skiing on Intellivision #umwconsole

The gameplay on the Intellivision was quite solid. And the physics engine for momentum was pretty impressive for the skiing game.

Jim Groom

The Intellivision controller-like a 1990s cellphone #umwconsole

Jim Groom


Zach Whalen brought over his latest score for the exhibit: Intellivision. I think I have six 1980s game consoles in my office currently, I love it!

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Forgot the The Day After took place in Lawrence, Kansas

Jim Groom

The Day After on SelectaVision II

Jim Groom

The Insides of a SelectaVision Disc

Jim Groom

A Box full of SelectaVision Discs

Jim Groom

The Day After on SelectaVision

Yesterday I purchased an RCA SelectaVision along with over 50 movies for about $75. I decided 1980s nuclear propaganda fear TV original "The Day After" would make an awesome first movie to test it out with. I think the cartridge /stylus is going, so I'll get my hands on a new one, but this technology is truly far-out. It's basically grooved, vinyl-like videodiscs that are read by a stylus. It's such a bizarre, hybrid technology between the worlds of analog and digital---perfect for the exhibit. This format only lasted from 1980-1985, and couldn't compete with either the Laserdisc or the VHS.

Jim Groom

The graphics for Mine Storm on the Vectrex almost seem 3D #umwconsole

Jim Groom

Got You Humanoid #umwconsole

This is how the Berzerk game for Vectrex ends. It's pretty awesome.

Jim Groom

@marnoldpalmer1 playing Mine Storm on the early 80s game console Vectrex

Jim Groom

Berserk on the Vectrex-Vector Graphic Games #4life

Jim Groom

Latest Addition to Console Living Room: The Vectrex

Zach Whalen brought over his Vectrex yesterday. It will be a special guest to the exhibit, meaning it will be on exhibit at specific times given it's relatively rare and awesome. I am playing Berserk here, and the gameplay was brilliant. Vector games always ruled.

Jim Groom

.@spencer_cscott also enjoyed some Pitfall. Behold the best office ever!

Jim Groom

.@spencer_cscott stopped by the office for a game of Adventure on the Atari 2600.

Spenser Scott, a epic ds106 internaut, stopped by my office in the ITCC at UMW for a quick game of Adventure and Pitfall. This opportunity is open to all internauts

Jim Groom

RCA SelectaVision VideoDisc FAQ

RCA SelectaVision VideoDisc FAQ

Jim Groom

Jim Groom


Let me count the ways I love Micahel Branson Smith:

Jim Groom

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/grantpotter">@grantpotter</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/jimgroom">@jimgroom</a> needs to properly rebrand that old gaming system. <a href="http://t.co/Ac5ZqPOX7M">pic.twitter.com/Ac5ZqPOX7M</a></p>&mdash; Michael B Smith (@mbransons) <a href="https://twitter.com/mbransons/status/570951362994954240">February 26, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

The Atari 2600 changed my life (#UMW trivia: this was Chris Foss's boyhood system :) #hotsauce

**Update: This was not Foss's ---that's an Atari 2600 Jr, and is coming tomorrow.**
Zach Whalen brought Chris Foss's Atari 2600 by the office today as we prepare for our Console Living Room exhibit at UMW which will try and reproduce a 1985 living room area, suggesting the convergence of media like video games, TVs, stereos, VCRs, and more It should be a blast, and it will be running for 5 weeks on the four floor of UMW's ITCC from the end of March through all of April.

Jim Groom

Sharon Stone through the tube on VHS #totalrecall

Jim Groom

The Atari 2600 Pitfall on an OG tube television is a thing of beauty. The colors are truly resonant!

Jim Groom

.@zachwhalen delivers Atari 2600 for #umwconsole exhibit, and sticks around for game of Pitfall

Jim Groom

The great @mburtis rocking Pitfall in front of the tube! #oldschool

Jim Groom

Sharon Stone fight in Total Recall on VHS

Jim Groom

Technology I've been working with today: the Panasonic Omnivision VCR from 1985

Jim Groom

The great @rushaw came through with a VCR head cleaner to ensure I could use my latest purchase

I got the Panasonic Omnivision VCR I ordered through on Monday, and I finally got around to setting it up. When I went to play a tape I almost froze with confusion. How do I do this again? What's more, the tape was not working properly because the heads were dirty, and Andy Rush came through with a VHS head cleaner. How awesome is that?

Jim Groom

Zenith Chromacolor II Controls Close-Up

A closer look at the control panel for this 1977 TV machine. Notice the AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) button right next to the color enhancing "Chromatic" button. Knobs are in perfect working order, and you can see the various dials built into the side. And where would any electronics of the 70s and 80s be without the wood paneling ;)

Jim Groom

This beautiful 1977 Zenith Chromacolor II 19" TV is currently residing in my office. Bunny ears and all!

This TV is on loan for the Living Room Console exhibit I am working on with Zach Whalen. And one of the UMW community member kindly loaned us this set for the exhibit. One of at least three we will have on hand :)

Jim Groom

Wild Nothing - Cloudbusting - YouTube

Awesome Kate Bush cover via @sleslie

Jim Groom


The weak, watered down version of Tales from the Crypt for kids in the 90s. Kinda like Rugrats, but worse.

Jim Groom

Capacitance Electronic Disc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also known commercially as SelectaVision by RCA

Jim Groom

EC Comics' Tales From the Crypt, Volume 3

This is a collection of Tales from the Crypt comics I got while in LA for Miles. It is published by Dar Horse Comics, and it is truly beautiful. Volume 1 and 2 seem to be out of print, but I have a line on both of them. Already ordered volumes 4 and 5 :)

Jim Groom

Tales From the Crypt: Grounds for Horror

Jim Groom

1985 Panasonic Omnivision Top Loading VCR

This is currently in the mail on the way to my house. I am very excited. This is the exact model our family got in 1985, and it is a perfect edition to the Living Room Console exhibit.

Jim Groom

First piece of the Console Living Room exhibit has been secured #umwconsole

QUASAR Vintage 1981 25" Color Console TV! RETRO w/ Remote!! TU9920TP
RETRO & VERY CLEAN Vintage Quasar Console TV! The cabinet is in excellent condition, clean, no scratches at all on the tops and sides, this TV was kept in excellent condition and has only had one owner! The remote control is a little worn and the battery cover is missing.
The TV works perfectly and has no issues at all, great picture and sound! It is cable ready and can adapt to any cable box, VCR, or digital antenna converter! There are no aux AV jacks, so in order to connect a DVD player or game system, you must have an RF modulator or run through a VCR.

Jim Groom

#ds106 Animated GIF Art Car

I love the early 1970s Buick Skylarks, muscle meets elegance. I also love animated GIFs, so I figured this would be a nice little mashup for an art car. I appreciated today's Daily Create because it forced me to play a bit with the perspective tool in GIMP, amazingly something I never used before. Always learning.

Jim Groom

The Wire - Characters Saying the Opening Quotes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqNNpGlUKHw

Jim Groom

Ah Bartleby! Ah Humanity!

Today's Daily Create: http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc1123/

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Gang Busters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gang Busters was an American dramatic radio program heralded as "the only national program that brings you authentic police case histories." It premiered as G-Men, sponsored by Chevrolet, on July 20, 1935.

Jim Groom

"Sorry for what we are about to do to you" #dailycreate #ds106

This was my quick submission for today's Daily Create. I took this image of Hong Kong police just about to clash with protestors from The Big Picture, and framed it as a premeditated "I'm Sorry."

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

I watched Fred Zinneman's <em>Day of the Jackal</em> (1973) last night, and Paul Bond reminded me of this bit from <em>The Wire</em>:

Jim Groom

Harmony Korine's 'The Legend of Cambo' | VICE | United States

EdTech Survivalist updated by Harmony Korine H/T @twoodwar

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

(A)Historical Selfie: Batman #ds106 #noir106

Took my version of the Batman selfie, and wrapped it up in the template from Tom Woodward's Historical Selfie assignment (which I love): http://bionicteaching.com/historical-selfies/

Jim Groom

Chimeratic Composition: Batman Selfie from on high #ds106

This is my take on Tom Woodward's assignment Chimeratic Composition: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/chimeratic-composition/

Jim Groom

Love @erinradar's Enjoy Capitalism

Erin Raderstorf's is pretty brilliant! https://twitter.com/erinradar/status/559431359706726400/

Jim Groom

A stack of film noir #noir106 #ds106 #movies

This is the current stack of film noir I am watching for inspiration as we head deeper in to

Jim Groom

#ds106 Noir Doodle: "Dead Men Tell No Tales"

This is my take on today's Daily Create: http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc1114/

Jim Groom

Noir Word Art: Can you see it? #dailycreate #noir106

Inspired by noir, I used image to showcase one of the most prominent cinematic and thematic elements of noir: shadows. This is my take on the word art assignment. http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc1113/

Jim Groom

I found the Devil and Goat icons in the wallpaper at the #itcc cafe #umw

There is a Devil Goat day tradition at UMW that goes back to the 1920s. I can't tell you all the details, but some students identify as devils, and others as goats. It's kind of a thing. In the new cafe in the Information Technology Convergence Center (ITCC) building at UMW there is a very cool easter egg. Buried in a wallpaper pattern of about ten icons that repeat hundreds of times there is exactly one devil and one goat icon. Today I found them both.

Jim Groom

Came across this old school dialog box changing default timezone on my new bava server #reclaim

Jim Groom

ApacheMySQLPHP - Community Help Wiki

Installing LAMP environment on my UBUNTU server, I am fancy!

Jim Groom

Mulwray on Camera #Chinatown #GIF #ds106 #noir106

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Hauling Up Mulwray

Jim Groom

Let's try this again: Mulwray's dead

Jim Groom

I had some bad dreams of Oblivion last night (thanks @IamTalkyTina)

Jim Groom

The Battle for My Weekend Reading. Looking forward to @mweller's The Battle for Open #bigfan

Martin Weller's recent book arrived in the mail today all the way from the UK. Looking forward to his thinking about the state of open, and I particularly love his writing. He's got a thing for bad metaphors like me, and we can trace it back to b-movies from the 1970s and 80s.

Jim Groom

Eye Selfie #ds106 #dailycreate #noir106

My eye selfie for today's Daily Create http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc1111/

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

The One That Got Away: On Inherent Vice » The LARB Blog

Review of Inherent Vice highlighting the gender issues at the heart of Anderson's film.

Jim Groom

Jeffrey Dahmer with an ice bong #WeirdestthingIsawonsocialmediatoday

thing I saw on social media today

Jim Groom


Did you send this to the course hub by click on the sfernseb button? Be sure to do that.

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Filthy Hippie Noir" http://bavatuesdays.com/filthy-hippie-noir/

Jim Groom

A Ship Shipping Ships - a metaphor for virtualized servers and containerization via @bmann

Boris Mann linked me to this image as a metaphor for virtualized servers and containerization.

Jim Groom

You rule!

Jim Groom

Sandstorm News: Open Source Web Apps Aren't Viable; Let's Fix That

"We're making decentralized hosting viable."

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Miles at School

This picture was tweeted to me by one of the internauts, just so happens we both have kids in the same 4th grade class! Very cool

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Majority of U.S. public school students are in poverty - The Washington Post

At Hugh Mercer in Fredericskburg, VA---by the standards of this article---it's over 80%!

Jim Groom

I am demoing @withknown for Professor Moon's Immigrants course

Jim Groom

The Cathedral of Computation - The Atlantic

"We’re not living in an algorithmic culture so much as a computational theocracy." h/t Audrey Watters

Jim Groom

Intel® Compute Stick

Docker on a stick? Via @psychemedia

Jim Groom

Docker, Inc. CEO Ben Golub reflects on the open source movement | Opensource.com

More and more articles about Docker every day. Damn that @kinlane was right!

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

5 in 1 Story #DailyCreate

Read the story here: http://tdc.ds106.us/writings/a-kind-of-screw/

Jim Groom

Log In - The New York Times

NYT's piece on Docker. It has arrived! :)

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Clash of the Titans Inflatable Pegasus

I never had this toy, but I wish I had. Via Plaid Stallions Twitter account: https://twitter.com/Plaidstallions/status/554754081177497600

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Double Indemnity Superimposition

Jim Groom

Reclaiming Innovation #4

Cool to see article Brian Lamb and I wrote got read by some folks.

Jim Groom

Another video for presentation tomorrow from on containerization revolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-k5bLQ9Epw

Jim Groom

The OU Library's Great Reading Room

The University of Oklahoma's Great Reading Room was a site to behold. Reminiscent of the NYPL's reading room, it was decked out in all its 1920s splendor. I really enjoyed the archaeological tour through the different wings and time periods of the library. Nothing could touch this room though, they don't make em like that anymore.

Image credit: Adam Croom

Jim Groom

Will be basing my talk tomorrow around this clip from The Magnificent Ambersons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTTF2QIHDCM

Jim Groom

Signed, original copy of Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius, his only text written in latin

I had the good fortune of seeing the amazing History of Science collection at the University of Oklahoma, including this original, signed copy of Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius, wherein he argues there are mountains on the moon. Curator Terry Macgruder made a compelling argument as to why his artistic and musical origins made his revolutionary scientific discoveries possible. Truly a harmony of the spheres. OU has an entire exhibit on this world class collection of science text coming later this year.

Image credit: Adam Croom

Jim Groom

Tommy Sinder has his own domain http://tsnider.com/ Do you? #OUtechexpo

Tommy Snider works at University One at OU, and he has his own, awesome domain through create.ou.edu:

Image credit: Adam Croom

Jim Groom

A wall of open source Reclaim apps at University of Oklahoma #OUtechexpo

I finally got to see the OU Create window display. It is awesome. Reclaim Hosting in the flesh!

Image credit: Adam Croom

Jim Groom

First experience with Oculus Rift brought me inside the Millenium Falcon

Got to play with Oculus Rift at University of Oklahoma. Very wild, complete immersion. And thanks to learning how to see with bifocals, I didn't get seasick.

Image credit: Adam Croom

Jim Groom

I found the cloud at University of Oklahoma. It's far more material than I expected. #outechexpo

Love the tech store at the University of Oklahoma.

Image credit: Adam Croom

Jim Groom

I am talking about @withknown at University of Oklahoma

Jim Groom

Anthology of Thirties Prose

Excerpt from James M. Caine's The Postman Always Rings Twice.

Jim Groom

The "Bite Me! Bite Me!" passage from James M Caine's The Postman Always Rings Twice

1 min read

"Is the door locked, Frank?"

"I must have locked it."

She looked at me, and got pale. She went to the swinging door, and peeped through. Then she went into the lunchroom, but in a minute she was back.

"They went away."

"I don't know why I locked it."

"I forgot to unlock it."

She started for the lunchroom again, but I stopped her. "Let's - leave it locked."

"Nobody can get in if it's locked. I got some cooking to do. I'll wash up this plate."

I took her in my arms and mashed my mouth up against hers . . . . "Bite me! Bite me!"

I bit her. I sunk my teeth into her lips so deep I could feel the blood spurt into my mouth. It was running down her neck when I carried her upstairs.

Read more here.

Jim Groom

This kiss from 1946 version of The Postman Always Rings Twice might be one of the best in cinema

Jim Groom

The Killer Inside Me - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reading this 1952 novel my Jim Thompson as fodder for . I am thoroughly blown away.

Jim Groom

noir106 | Storytelling after Dark

The course site for the latest iteration of ds106: Noir106: Storytelling after Dark

Jim Groom

The Weirdest Things You Never Knew About The Making Of Repo Man

Repo Man came out 30 years ago, but it remains one of the weirdest, and most beloved, cult movies of all time. But how did this genre-smashing comedy, about a punk kid who starts repossessing cars only to find one very special car, ever get made in the first place? Join us on a look inside the strange journey of Repo Man.

Jim Groom

Repo Chick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alex Cox's 2009 microfeature made for $200,000, and shot entirely in front of a green screen over the course of 10 days.

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Deploying a Minecraft Server with Docker Machine | Christopher Biscardi

Deploying a Minecraft Server with Docker Machine via Kin Lane.

Jim Groom


November 24, 2010: Nardwuar vs. Alex Cox

Jim Groom

Love the Pretty Small Things http://www.thingiverse.com/PrettySmallThings/designs designs on Thingiverse, thanks for the h/t @timmmmyboy

Jim Groom

My first Mario Bava film, a strong contender for some #bavaoffice wall space

Mario Bava's Planet of the Vampires, the film that inspired Alien whether Ridley Scott acknowledges it or not.

Jim Groom

Repo Man movie poster, next ornament for the #bavaoffice?

This is possibly the next movie poster for my office. "She's a rock; she'll take the bus."

Jim Groom

Talking with @nabilaltikriti about @withknown, I am a big fan of both

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Brittany, I miss your work. Hope you have a great New Year.

Jim Groom

I am loving your work in , FYI

Jim Groom

Darling (1965) | State Theatre of Culpeper

Darling at the Library of Congress

Jim Groom


This is an awesome home DIYT site I've been using for my bathroom.

Jim Groom

Google Glass 4life

This is a description.

Jim Groom

I am talking about @withknown with faculty at .

Jim Groom

Mario Bava's Black Sabbath minimalist movie poster.

View more awesome Italian b-movie movie posters here: http://www.federicomancosu.com/portfolio/alternative-movie-posters/

Jim Groom

Alternative minimalist Italian b-movie posters http://www.federicomancosu.com/portfolio/alternative-movie-posters

This is an awesome collection of minimalist, alternative Italian b-movie. An awesome list of films to see, as well.

Jim Groom

Got a movie poster of Mario Bava's Kill Baby Kill for the office

Got a poster of Mario Bava's Kill Baby Kill for the office, I only need one more to complete the wall. I'm thinking Planet of the Vampires, but hard to resist Back Sunday and Black Sabbath.

Jim Groom

Tommaso exposes the man behind the #ds106 curtain

This is what the mornings in my house are like.

Jim Groom

What evil lurks beneath the #ds106 quilt?

Miles setup his reading fort using the quilt I received from Sandy Jensen Brown in the mail a few days ago. I can't think of a better use.

Jim Groom

#ds106 quilt fort

Sandy Jensen Brown sent me this awesome quilt that my kids have quickly incorporated into their coach fort.

Jim Groom

Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse were a send-up of Batman and Robin, but it's the arch-villain "Flat Face" Frog that is the real star. And so very noir http://youtu.be/jjz9elNPCwc

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Encourage Writing with a Domain, Blog & Portfolio | Getting Smart

Domain of One's Own write-up by CEO of Getting Smart

Jim Groom

Modern Poetry | ENGL 366. Scanlon. Spring 2015.

Mara Scanlon's latest UMW Blogs course site for Modern Poetry, her course sites are always an interactive, student-driven work of art.

Jim Groom

106 drop in » Blog Archive » #DS106 Flickr Daily Creates Pummelvision style

Love John Johnston's Pummelvision, need to get ffmpeg command line installed pronto.

Jim Groom

Too cool for Monticello

Jim Groom

A Window on Monticello

This shot was a mistake, but a really like it. This window is beneath the house on the way to the kitchen. The light from above shines on those below-darkness visible.

Jim Groom

Three Generations at Monticello

Angela, Anto and Tess - three generations of awesome at Monticello.

Jim Groom

Monticello at a distance

I'm not sure to many other places capture so starkly the hope and promise of enlightenment alongside the subjection that made it possible.

Jim Groom

Anto and Angela at Monticello

Anto's mom, Angela, loved Monticello. We've been on an early American tear this break. Re-watching the HBO John Adams series, visiting local attractions like Chatham in Fredericskburg, and now Monticello. I'm not sure to many other places capture so starkly the hope and promise of enlightenment alongside the subjection that made it possible.

Jim Groom

Tommaso playing the clown at Monticello

Tommaso is at a pretty awesome age. I could bribe him pretty easily with a toy to behave during the house tour, which ensured my first entire house tour after my fourth or fifth visit. Victory!

Jim Groom

Monticello New Year's Eve 2014

We visited Monticello with Antonella's mother, Angela, on New Year's Eve. It was a wonderful visit, and there was almost no one else there. It felt like we had the grounds and house to ourself.

Jim Groom

Monticello's Frozen Fish Pond

I think we might have been to Monitcello in every season now. This was our second time in Winter, but the first time the fish pond was completely frozen.

Jim Groom

Archeology at Monticello

There was an archelogical crew at Monticello excavating the wing were they kept the horses, phaetons, carriages, etc.

Jim Groom


This must be my fourth or fifth time to Monticello since I moved to Virginia in 2005, and I never tire of it. What's more, this was the first time I actually made it through the entire house. On all previous trips for one reason or another (mostly screaming children) my tour was always foreshortened. I absolutely loved the triple sash windows in the guest bedroom. I want to install that in the bava den. Also, 18.5 foot ceilings-so awesome.

Jim Groom


I did a little decoding using Thomas Jefferson cipher wheel at Monticello. The message was laden with meanings given the history.

Jim Groom

Jefferson's Cipher Wheel

I didn't know Jefferson was a coder too :)

Jim Groom

A very short Xmas interview with Anto https://vimeo.com/115686902

Jim Groom

Short video on preparing to set extender flange https://vimeo.com/115686808

Jim Groom

All plumbing is in and working

Today I got the toilet in and Anto and I painted the walls. You can't see the painted walls and trim in this image, but they real bring the room together.

Jim Groom

The Throne

It took a while, but this is the bold new look of casa bava!

Jim Groom

Finishing tile and grout

Almost all of yesterday was dedicated to finishing up some loose ends with the tile (still waiting for the custom ordered outside corner pieces for the base). And I spent six hours last night and early this morning grouting. It was a bitch of a job. But this is what my bathroom looked like this morning.

Jim Groom

Flange Extender

I didn't do any tile in the bathroom today, rather I started to deal with some outstanding issues. One of which was the toilet flange. The toilet flange should sit on top of the tile, but the cast iron flange in my bathroom sits level with the floor because I built the floor more than 1/2" with the cement board, mortar, tile, etc. Given this, I needed an extender. My cast iron flange is a bit weird because it's offset, and the only thing I could find to fit it well was the Sioux Chief gasket flange. I checked it out today, and it seems like it will work. I was concerned about the PVC on cast iron, but according to the manufacturer these piece was designed to sit on top of cast iron flanges. I guess we'll see tomorrow. The red gasket at the bottom makes the flange fit snug, and I'll be sealing the PVC to the cast iron flange with some adhesive silicon, and bolting both the original and extender flanges together to make sure they're solid.

Jim Groom

Il bagno quasi finito

This picture captures the fact the bathroom is all but done. I already rewired the electric today, and also got an extended flange so that I can install the toilet tomorrow. So, everything being equal, I should be able to finish up the few last tiles, grout, and install the toilet tomorrow.

After that, I have to clean up a few spots on the wall, paint a bit, finish the trim, prime the window, and replace the door. And that's that!

Jim Groom

SOMETHING there is that doesn't love a wall

I spent way too long on this, the final wall. I cut the starter pieces for the lines at 2 and 4 inches, which for 6" tiles means they won't lay staggered every 3". It was a rookie mistake, and I paid for it because I had to take out every other row and made sure they ended at exactly the 3" middle point of the tiles in the rows above and below. It added a good hour and half to the end of my day. But there was no way I was going to have to look at that mistake for the next twenty years---there are plenty of others to keep me occupied for years to come.

Jim Groom

Tiled Window Wall

I got the final two walls almost entirely tiled. You can see where I left room for the bottom window trim. the last two walls done, the room is really starting to look finished. I am getting excited.

Jim Groom

Tight Fitting Vanity

Last couple of days I've been finishing up the bathroom. Installed the vanity (which fits perfectly) and got the sink running actual water!

Jim Groom

A Very Vader Xmas

I got this Star Wars fan art for Xmas, and I am stoked. Vader suits me. This piece was painted by Gabriel Pons of the Ponshop art gallery in downtown Fredericksburg. A mecca for all kinds of awesome pop art and more.

Jim Groom

Awesome Stocking Stuffers: Mod Man

This one is my favorite. Miles has requested upwards of 42 mods from Santa. WTF! So I was wondering how I was going to do this when today I saw this over priced Lego 4 GB jump drive. I got the idea of making a sticker shirt "Mod Man" and creating a story around this guy. It's a magical jump drive, and Santa leaves a readme.txt for Miles taking him through the details (I'll post it all on my blog at some point). The short version is anytime he wants a mod he has to update the request.txt file and leave it on the mantle and Santa will make sure the mod is added. Miles is just ten, and I love him because he pretty much knows we are Santa, but refuses to let on. I wanna think he believes in the most beautiful of ways, he understands that the magic of possibilities can never truly be explained away, and you must never pretend to outgrow..

Jim Groom

Awesome Stocking Stuffers: The Thing Blu-Ray

Miles has been begging for the next installment of horror, and given he handled Alien like a champ, I think it's time to move to the logical next step: John Carpenter's The Thing. While watching Alien with Miles, Iw as struck by how much Carpenter seems to have been inspired by Alien. Not to mention how much Ridley Scott was inspired by Planet of the Vampires for Alien :)

Jim Groom

Awesome Stocking Stuffers: Ash from Alein Figurine

Miles and I saw Alien together last week, and he was appropriately blown away. He was struck by the android science office Ash, so I could resist this ReAction figure as a stocking stuffer.

Jim Groom

Sink Alcove

I spent today tiling around the sink alcove. You might notice missing tiles on the back wall and the left wall. That by design. The sink/vanity will be snugly fit in this area, and the access points are for shower valves and the like.

Jim Groom

Another angle on the tile and soon to be installed sink

You can see the wall of subway tile with a black accent that will be tracing around the bathroom except in the shower and sink alcove. We were considering a pedestal sink, but the floor is crazy out of level and there is no storage in the bathroom save the small vanity, which effectively will be lodged in a 24" wide alcove.

Jim Groom

A closer look at the basket weave tile floor

I actually dig the basket weave tile on the floor a lot. It's been covered with masonite for the last ten days so I keep forgetting how cool it will look with the subway tile.

Jim Groom

Bathroom Renovation 2014

Almost there, I have two more walls of tile to do. This is the third bathroom renovation I have done in the last fifteen years, and it is taking me forever to do the wall tile. I did the floor in a day and a half, but this is my fifth day of tiling the walls, and I am only 70% through. I am getting old, but my bathrooms are getting awesomer!

Jim Groom

A Subway Shower

Pretty happy with how the subway tile in the shower came out. It runs up to the ceiling, it's amazing how much more light and space the bathroom gets from their glossy reflection.

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

API Kitchen

Cooking up some APIs

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Swagger 2.0

APIs with Swagger

Jim Groom

StrongLoop | Using Express.js for APIs

Development tool for APIs through Node.js. (I've been hanging out with Kin lane this week :) )

Jim Groom

The Bava Blogging Recliner 2.0

I've had this chair for almost nine years, but after two cats and some serious blogging it had seen better days. So this week we got it reupholstered. New life.

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Shark Bites, Plumbing, and Syndication" http://bavatuesdays.com/shark-bites-plumbing-and-syndication/

Jim Groom

New blog post: "A University API" http://bavatuesdays.com/a-university-api/

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Connecting to the IndieWeb Movement" http://bavatuesdays.com/connecting-to-the-indieweb-movement/

Jim Groom

Great video on digital identity by some amazing UMW Students

Jim Groom

UMW Domains Growth: Now with Data!

Jim Groom

Today's discussion "Conencted by Design" was fun, and it even has an archive! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp9EY4MqVLw

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Hardware (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hardware is a scifi horror film David Kernohan recommended, need to get my hands on this one.

Jim Groom

Taking the Next Step

Tim Owens announces he is going full time Reclaim Hosting-a very big step I am really excited about.

Jim Groom

Atari Video Pinball | The Retroist

I had this Atari 2600 video pinball game and loved it.

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

The Hole Beneath the Tub

Jim Groom

Lay Bare the Plumbing

Jim Groom


Jim Groom

Reno at Night

Jim Groom

Looking in the Walls

For today's Daily Create I decided to document some of the looking in I've been doing lately. Namely looking inside the house, and the walls, the plumbing the electric and more. Nothing like a bathroom renovation to force you to get all existential about time, the great destroyer. The solid bones on this 80 year old house give me hope though.

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Inspired: If You Need Us, We’re on the Radio

Grant Potter's ds106 bumperinspired by The Wire is not only awesome, it also captures a brilliant moment when you get a sense how confined Bodie Broadus's world is. He thinks the radio is going out, but the fact is they're just leaving Baltimore---something he's never done before---that become for some awesome character development without much overhead. The Wire at its very best.

Jim Groom


Today's DailyCreate for ds106.

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Inspired: Mendel and Oppenheimer Logos" http://bavatuesdays.com/inspired-mendel-and-oppenheimer-logos/

Jim Groom

CREEPIEST MURDERER IN GTA 5! (Hilarious Reactions) - YouTube

Via Tom Woodward via Superpunch:

Playing GTA as a horror movie slasher: This dude plays GTAV on passive mode, so he can’t kill or be killed. He also plays creepy music through his mic and slowly, wordlessly stalks people across the city. At which point he turns passive mode off and stabs his victim to death.

Jim Groom

Happy All Souls Day from Unwound, one of my favorite bands of the 1990s

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Inspired: The Wire Scrolls" http://bavatuesdays.com/inspired-the-wire-scrolls/

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Wire 106: S03E08 – “Moral Midgetry” http://bavatuesdays.com/wire-106-s03e08-moral-midgetry/

Jim Groom

Jim Groom


Jim Groom

Ghosts in Casa Bava on Halloween

Jim Groom

Rocking the Horses with Tommaso

Jim Groom

Tess and Tommaso at the Halloween parade

Jim Groom

Daphne up close and personal

Half shepherd and beagle? There has to be some labrador in there somewhere.

Jim Groom

A creeper in my yard

One of the many thing I love about Minecraft is that its 8-bit design makes Halloween costumes very easy. Miles will be creeping this Friday!

Jim Groom

Tommaso's Mario Outfit

Antonella has been working on a Mario costume for Tommaso this Halloween, it's coming along nicely!

Jim Groom

Fall in Fredericskburg

I walked Tommaso to pre-school this morning, and this tree lit up the neighborhood. I love Fall.

Jim Groom

Jim Groom: ¿Programar o ser programado? ~ #Edu ~ Infobae.com

Interview that is the basis for an upcoming documentary by Nicholas Longo in which I was lucky enough to be featured. Any one want to translate for me?

Jim Groom

Jim Groom y la educación | elmorsa.pe

Article about Nicholas Longo's documentary about education that features yours truly. Excited to see it, but I need a translator for this, Google translate is failing me.

Jim Groom

This was long overdue

Today I got around to gutting the upstairs bathroom in my house. It took me way too long, but it felt good to finally be doing it.

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Inspired by Un-Cropped Road Signs" http://bavatuesdays.com/inspired-by-cropped-signs/

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

New blog post: Inspired: “It’s a Kodak Moment in the House” http://bavatuesdays.com/inspired-its-a-kodak-moment-in-the-house

Jim Groom

because the internet : script

becausetheinter a very interesting approach to a musical artist reframing the context for their work

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Inspired: Never Been a Paper Bag for " http://bavatuesdays.com/inspired-never-been-a-paper-bag-for-ds106/

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Cult Classics Dawn of the Dead Hare Krishna Zombie doll (front view packaging)

Just bought this random doll, I love it! Context here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nYXbrXljAE

Jim Groom

Cult Classics Dawn of the Dead Hare Krishna Zombie doll (back cover packaging)

Just bought this random doll, I love it! Context here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nYXbrXljAE

Jim Groom

It's Fall at UMW

The foliage is starting to turn, and the trees along college avenue in front of duPont Hall are a spectacle to be seen.

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Silk Road (marketplace) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Silk Road, and underground marketplace on the web Dennis Lehane is working on a screenplay about this site.

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

This is pretty cool, Tim Owens is a IndieWeb hacker!

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

New blog post: "I'm No Doctor of Jekyll" http://bavatuesdays.com/im-no-doctor-of-jekyll/

Jim Groom

Docker - Build, Ship, and Run Any App, Anywhere

Need to play with this soon..

Jim Groom

New blog post: "NYC and the Visual Design of Season 2 of The Wire" http://bavatuesdays.com/nyc-and-the-visual-design-of-season-2-of-the-wire

Jim Groom

Tommaso and the New Aesthetic

Jim Groom

The Cake and the Family, a thriller!

Jim Groom

Gimme my cake!

Jim Groom

Birthday Stereogram

Getting ready to cut the cake.

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Installing Mavericks over Leopard" http://bavatuesdays.com/installing-mavericks-over-leopard/

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Apple iMac Specs (All iMac Tech Specs) @ EveryMac.com

iMac FAQ for changing brother's RAM on his computer.

Jim Groom

Don't hack me, bro #umwblogs

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Empathy Map by way of the Noun Project #wire106 #ds106dc

Above is my first Daily Create of the week: The Empathy Map. To have fun, I did it all in Noun Project icons, the credits are below.

Empire State Building designed by Stefan Spieler from the Noun Project
Immersive Experience designed by Luis Prado from the Noun Project
Art designed by Will Deskins from the Noun Project
Sound Wave designed by Aleksandr Novolokov from the Noun Project
Conversation designed by Ahmed Elzahra from the Noun Project

Jim Groom


Love Josiah's concept map on Fair Use, so good!

Jim Groom

That Thing - The Napster Phenomenon (2000) - YouTube

Great video about Napster from 2000 "The Napster Phenomenon"

Jim Groom

New blog post: "That Thing: The Napster Phenomenon (2000)" http://bavatuesdays.com/that-thing-the-napster-phenomenon-2000/

Jim Groom

"Wire 106: S02E06/E07/E08 “All Prologue,” “Backwash,” and “Duck and Cover” http://bavatuesdays.com/wire-106-s02e06e07e08

Jim Groom

"Wire 106 Radio: S02E03/E04/E05 “Hot Shots,” “Hard Cases,” and “Undertow" http://bavatuesdays.com/wire-106-radio-s02e03e04

Jim Groom

Wire106 on ds106radio: Audio Discussion of Season 2, Episode 5 "Undertow"

This ds106radio discussion took place on September 18th, 2014 with Imran, Paul, and myself.

Jim Groom

Wire106 on ds106radio: Audio Discussion of Season 2, Episode 4 "Hard Cases"

This ds106radio discussion took place on September 18th, 2014 with Melinda Albrycht, Allison Thoet, Syd Bauman, LaKisha Mahone, Paul Bond, and myself.

Jim Groom

Wire106 on ds106radio: Audio Discussion of Season 2, Episode 3 "Hot Shots"

This ds106radio discussion took place on September 17th, 2014 with Paul, Imran, Maggie, Brittany, and Stefanie and myself.

Jim Groom

New blog post: "International Horror Comes to Culpeper: Four Flies on Gray Velvet and Thriller" http://goo.gl/ZUFZTZ

Jim Groom

D&D alignment chart for The Wire #ds106 #wire106 via @joefromkenyon

Joe Murphy on Twitter: "Is there enough creativity in making a pop culture D&D alignment chart for a create? version: http://t.co/g2DS38f2HW" https://twitter.com/joefromkenyon/status/516650260350136320

Jim Groom

UMW really should have a class on The Wire #wire106

Imran discovered this on Yik Yak and sent it my way and I was like "What is chopped liver?" http://ds106.us/tag/wire106

Jim Groom

"Wire 106: Week 6 - The Design of Things" http://bavatuesdays.com/wire-106-week-6-the-design-of-things/ Here we go again!

Jim Groom

The real GIF Shakespearean LOLcat: Salad Days #ds106

I've been dying to do this assignment for a long time: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/shakespearean-lolcat/
VisualAssignments, VisualAssignments1180
GIF found here: http://media.tumblr.com/ba5f2c658018474f47ed57ec1f1cb699/tumblr_inline_mnovuhwWSI1qaotyg.gif

Jim Groom

Omar gives Bird the tie fly by #wire106 #gif

Love this scene. Say it like peanut butter:
VisualAssignments, VisualAssignments2

Jim Groom

Shakespearean LOLcat: Salad Days #ds106

I've been dying to do this assignment for a long time: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/shakespearean-lolcat/
VisualAssignments, VisualAssignments1180

GIF found here: http://media.tumblr.com/ba5f2c658018474f47ed57ec1f1cb699/tumblr_inline_mnovuhwWSI1qaotyg.gif

Jim Groom

Historical Selfie: Sid Vicious #ds106

Finally did Tom Woodward's historical selfies assignment (very fun):

Jim Groom

Red Moon #ds106 #wire106

Read the full post here: http://bavatuesdays.com/red-moon/

Jim Groom

Sound Pollution Stretched

Taking the Fredericksburg Nightscape and stretching it out a bit with the Paulstretch effect.

Jim Groom

Night Soundscape

Fredericksburg noise pollution on a sultry Fall evening in late September.

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Self Sovereign Authorities and the Epic Struggle for IoT

Reading Bruce Sterling "The Epic Struggle for The Internet of Things" presently

Jim Groom

New blog post: "From Radio to Television to Wire 106 or, Why I teach" http://bavatuesdays.com/from-radio-to-television-to-wire-106-or-why-i-teach/

Jim Groom

Love this graphic representation of <em>The Wire</em> Paul Bond pointed me to here: http://known.raptnrent.me/2014/wire106---comic-book-style-ds106-wire106

Jim Groom

Steven Soderbergh Creates Silent, Black & White Recut of Raiders of the Lost Ark to Explain the Art of "Staging" | Open Culture

This article on Steven Soderbergh's film explorations in retirement speak to some of the experiments in listening and watching we've been doing in recently:

Now comes his latest side project: On his web site, extension765.com, Soderbergh presents a short lesson in “staging,” a term that refers in cinema “to how all the various elements of a given scene or piece are aligned, arranged, and coordinated.” He tells us: “I operate under the theory a movie should work with the sound off, and under that theory, staging becomes paramount.”

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Daily Create 2600 Joystick Cross-section #ds06 #ds106dc

Find the TDC here: http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc990/

Jim Groom

Photoblitz Finish time

Jim Groom

Photoblitz fuzzy Start time

Jim Groom

Photo Blitz Image #7: Take a picture of a pet (domesticated, wild, rabid...) #ds106 #photoblitz

For my final image, I took a picture of Linux, the open source penguin. The pet that keeps on giving.

Jim Groom

Photo Blitz Image #6: Take a picture of something you wear #photoblitz #ds106

I always have my safety goggles close at hand!

Jim Groom

Photo Blitz Image #5: Take an image of a word on a sign that describes how you feel #ds106 #photoblitz

SUPER [COBRA] One of the many stand-up arcade signs on the wall of my office. Such beautiful colors and font.

Jim Groom

Photo Blitz Image #4: Take an image of an irregular pattern #ds106 #photoblitz

Shark teeth follow an irregular and haunting pattern. This is a 3D print of Great White jaws.

Jim Groom

Photo Blitz Image #3: Fill the frame #photoblitz #ds106

This is a photo of my son Miles' three-headed Hydra I stole from him and now sits in my office.

Jim Groom

Photo Blitz Image #2: Take a picture of an interesting tree #photoblitz #ds106

The Vision tree.

Jim Groom

Photo Blitz Image #1: Take a picture of two contrasting things

Chewbacca vs Rancor!

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Wire 106 Twitter Watch Along" http://bavatuesdays.com/wire-106-twitter-watch-along/

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

TDC 989: Toxic Fan @ds106dc #dailycreate #ds106

Love today's Daily Create. I will document my process on the blog, but in the meantime I remixed the fan icon designed by Arthur Shlain from the Noun Project here:

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Docker - Build, Ship, and Run Any App, Anywhere

One of the many tools I'll be trying to wrap my head around before Reclaim Your Domain this November.

Jim Groom

Panamax: Docker Management for Humans

How would we start integrating something like this into DoOO?

Jim Groom

Panamax: Docker Management for Humans http://panamax.io/ via the great <a href="https://twitter.com/psychemedia/status/514317912623296512">Tony Hirst</a>

Jim Groom

New blog post: "A Subdomain of One's Own (with potential!)" http://bavatuesdays.com/a-subdomain-of-ones-own-with-potential/ cc @reclaimhosting

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Hearing Is believing

Love Paul Bond's imagined epigraph for week 4 "Hearing is Believing." In fact, this would make a nice, simple Design assignment, so I created it. Thanks for the inspiration, Paul.

Jim Groom

New blog post: Listen Along on ds106radio (#4life) http://bavatuesdays.com/wire-106-listen-along-on-ds106radio-4life/

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Catching Up with Reclaim" http://bavatuesdays.com/catching-up-with-reclaim-hosting/ Long overdue update on @reclaimhosting

Jim Groom

Dungeons & Dragons Has Caught Up with Third-Wave Feminism | VICE United States

Article about thirdwave feminsim and Dungeons and Dragons applciable for the d&ds106 course I'm imagining. H/T @ryanbrazell

Jim Groom

#dc106 Reclaim Shoutout

In episode 106 of Digital Campus (a.k.a dc106-coincidence? I think not) the director of the Roy Rosensweig Center for History and New Media, Stephen Robertson, gives a shout out to Reclaim Hosting suggesting how "absurdly easy" it is for students and faculty to setup and manage their own applications on their own domains.

Jim Groom

Quick thoughts on course sometime in the future based around Dungeons and Dragons http://bavatuesdays.com/dds106/ What do you think?

Jim Groom


2 min read

tumblr_m8hws8Jy1i1ro2bqto1_500While playing with my kids today, I started thinking how cool it would be to do a themed version of ds106 dedicated to Dungeons & Dragons. I've been wanting to get back into D&D anyway so that my kids and I could read the early manuals, trip out on the art, design maps, build characters, and create campaigns. Done right, these tasks would make for the building blocks of an amazing ds106 course. I even have a few boxes of lead figurines I could pull out and let people paint---old school all the way. 

So what do you think? Would this be a compelling approach to digital storytelling? Way I see it, D&D provides a pretty rich universe/creative framework from within which to create. It was in many ways one of the earlier collective and participatory games I was ever a part of. And those adventure modules I bought at the Incredible Pulp (a local comic shop in Baldwin, LI) still capture some of the most imaginative play I've ever done in my mind without ever rolling the dice. Hell, we could use the 3D printer to create characters, dice, campaign elements, and more. How sick could this be?

Jim Groom

Tech Noir meets ds106?

1 min read

Miles, his friend Andy, and I caught a rather clean, but brooding, 35MM print of The Empire Strikes Back (1980) at the Library of Congress, Packard Campus in Culpeper, VA last night. I got to thinking that Empire is very much inline with aesthetic of other tech noirs at the time. It got me thinking a potential theme for next semester's ds106 might be tech noir hosted by Dr. Oblivion. Here are the films I was thinking about including:

Admittedly, it's a bit 1980s guy teenager heavy. So help me out here, what am I missing? Or is this way too lopsided? If it's possible, I was thinking about turning the class into an irregular movie event at the ITCC, and use the building with Oblivion to have some fun :)

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

New blog post: "The Incubator Classroom" http://bavatuesdays.com/the-incubator-classroom
And dreaming of

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Becoming Well Known" http://bavatuesdays.com/becoming-well-known/ cc @withknown @benwerd @erinjo

Jim Groom

This GIF is awesome. And I think I saw you taking it! I work right there, next time stop by. And be sure to sign up for a lunch so we can finally meet.

Jim Groom

@timmmmyboy and I had some fun in the incubator classroom this week! #umwitcc

Here is a link to the video, I would start around 25-30 minutes in :)

Thanks to the great Barbara Sawhill for sharing this screenshot on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BSawhill/status/513069799531094016/photo/1

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Freamon on The Wire

Jim Groom

Interview with The Wire Sound Editor Jen Ralston (@someotherjen) for #wire106 #ds106

This is the interview Paul Bond and I had with sound editor Jen Ralston about her work on The Wire and more. She has a series of brilliant insights, and does a few close readings of scenes from season 1. It's an excellent resource for thinking more deeply about sound, which is appropriate given we will be introducing sound in this week.

Alternative link:

Jim Groom

Fossil Beach Sky

It was a beautiful day at Westmoreland Park today, and this image captures beautifully the gorgeous sky. It was in the mid to high 70s, and the kids all swam for over an hour. It was a last gasp of summer, if you can call what we had this year summer. Keep in mind I am not complaining.

Jim Groom

Fathers and Sons

Tommaso and I laying out at Fossil Beach.

Jim Groom


This is one of the bluffs at Fossil Beach in Westmoreland State Park. Some pretty intense erosion.

Jim Groom

Fossil Beach

This beach on the Potomac River is known for producing endless amounts of fossilized shark teeth. What's more, the constant flight of Bald Eagles and Osprey doesn't hurt the view either

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Strings Gonna Get You

1 min read

Paul Bond's Strings Gonna Get You music video is pretty awesome!

Jim Groom

The Wire Everywhere: The Pay Phone #ds106 #wire106

I was at Westmoreland State Park with my family today and I saw a pay phone by the visitors center and immediately thought of The Wire Everywhere assignment for ds106. It's interesting how the pay phone is becoming a vestigial technology in a society where a majority of folks carry one in their pocket (in addition to an extremely powerful computer).

I love the aesthetic of the pay phone, and it's a staple of The Wire season 1, so I figured I would capture just that. It's interesting how something as ubiquitous as this technology 25 years ago has vanished in the wake of the mobile revolution. The idea of vanishing technology like the pay phone is fascinating, and the idea that Grant Potter set it up so that you could broadcast to from a pay phone back in the day was one of the most interesting marriages of old and new technologies I've ever seen.

Jim Groom

Ticket Stub from Star Wars: A New Hope at LOC Packard Campus this past Saturday Night in glorious 35MM

I'll write an entire post about this one, but suffice it to say watching Star Wars in 35 MM at the Library of Congress Packard Campus this weekend with the family did not disappoint. This was a memento I wanted to keep for documentation purposes. If only I could share my brains processing of the visual experience :)

Jim Groom

Double Feature "Ebb Tide" & "Collateral Damage" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TYacG28cYM w/ @Green_Canoe & @teamtightpants

Jim Groom

I agree about the time and effort, but where I deviate from folks about the LMS is on the point of innovative, interesting approaches to teaching and learning online. I am still looking for one compelling example from folks in this regard. People say they exist, and maybe they do. But in my decade of edtech, I still don;t have one example other than convenience, and good teaching and learning with technology is never measured on that scale ;)

Also, awesome use of known for commenting on my blog, I am returning the favor through my Known!

Jim Groom

Judge Rawls on Justice: a Wired Triple Troll Quote

So who said the quote?

Here is the entire post: http://bavatuesdays.com/judge-rawls-on-justice/

Jim Groom

The Computer Chronicles featuring Howard Rheingold http://youtu.be/U_o8gerare0

Jim Groom

Archive of discussion w/ @phb256 and @awallac2 of S01E13 of The Wire "Sentencing." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1bRweRdfqs

Jim Groom

Wiring Mirror Scenes

This is the image for the Wiring Mirror Scenes assignment I created and completed for

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Digital Agency in the 21st Century" http://bavatuesdays.com/digital-agency-in-the-21st-century/

Jim Groom

Pay phone GIF #ds106 #wire106

This is a GIF from episode 5,"The Pager," when D'Angelo starts an irreversible series of events.

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Wiring Supercuts" http://bavatuesdays.com/wiring-supercuts/

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Pager Paranoia on the GIF Wire #ds106 #wire106

1 min read

This is my attempt at the "Summarize A Wire Episode In GIFs." I chose to pull six (actually seven) animated GIFs from episode 5 of Season 1 of The Wire: "The Pager." It's one of my favorite episodes because the theme of being watched and a more generalized sense of paranoia creeps into the episode constantly. 

This is one of the earlier, if not earliest, episode where we hear the refrain: "Omar's coming!" As we all know, "the cheese stands alone!" ---and he'll be coming for Avon soon.

cheese_stands_alone 01 

There's a lot of warnings in this episode, and I found an interesting parallel between Omar's raid on the East Side stash, and the young hopper's in the pit calling the warning for "5-0" that Stringer Bell and D'Angelo hear while talking about there being a snitch in D's ranks. Again, this constant sense of being watched, betrayed, and generally under someone else's control.


5-0-5-0_coming_up 01 

Jim Groom

Are you trying to get The Wire episodes for GIFs? There's a solution I emailed folks earlier this week, did you check your email? Also, a bit late in the game for issues with GIFs and videos? No leaving yourself much leeway for error.

Jim Groom

Did nearly comprehensive sweep of blogs and social media sites. Excited by what I'm seeing-but want more interaction and commenting

Jim Groom

Quentin Tarantino on the New Beverly: “After 7 Years as Owner, I Wanted to Make It Mine.”


Jim Groom

Polish Existenz Film Poster

Thanks to Mike Caulfield for linking me to this gem. eXistenx meets Inception :)

Jim Groom

My take on "#tdc972: Bomb Book" @dailycreate #ds106

1 min read

This is my quick creation for today's Daily Create: "What book would protect you in a protest?" I took this assignment literally. I dare you to hit the bomb book :) 

I did this in GIMP, it was pretty easy. Opened up the book as one layer, the bomb as another, and invert the color on the bomb and voila! 

I used the Noun Project, which rules, and the two icons in this image to be credit are as follows:
Book designed by Charles Riccardi from the Noun Project

Bomb designed by Thomas Hirter from the Noun Project

Jim Groom

I think you raise some really good points. In order for Known to get traction, it has to handle posting of your work to the various social spaces even more seamlessly. This goes beyond Twitter, Flickr, SoundCloud, etc. to also includes linking up with your Tumblr, WordPress blog, Blogger, etc. I think your questions are right on, and frankly they are much appreciated because I want to get a sense of what it would take to make this a seamless experience. We are the guinea pigs on this one, and our feedback will be taken seriously. So provide it candidly, and as often as you're wont to do.

On a technical note, what I love about Known is it re-syndicates work effortlessly, the link to your social media is dead simple, and it might help us re-think how we publish our work out to the various social media sites we occupy. What the Indieweb refers to as <a href="http://indiewebcamp.com/POSSE">POSSE</a>. What's more, just by me writing on my site and including a link to your post, I am able to syndicate my comment to your site. And, if you hook our sites up through brid.gy , you can pull in social media mentions of your work as well through Twitter, Facebook, etc.

The challenges for Known are less theoretical, and much more practical. Do I have to do things twice? If I do, I will eventually revert back to the simpler way. I'll once again just post in my blog, or on twitter, or on flickr. I won't spend the time posting to Known, and then reposting on Flickr, or my blog, or somewhere else. That's the trick, people will always revert to easy. The other thing that would help is a way to pull an iframe or some other glimpse of those communities (say Twitter for example) into known so you can feel you are embedded in those sites still, while posting through your own portal to them.

Known is the closest, most elegant solution I've seen to this yet, and it is still very young and malleable.We can help define where it goes to get at a broader sense of what a work flow for managing and controlling our own data but sharing it widely might look like. SO, thanks for the honest feedback, you rule!

Jim Groom

Wire 106: S01E12 "Cleaning Up"

2 min read


For this video discussion of Season 1 Episode 12 of The Wire, "Cleaning Up," Paul Bond and I were joined by UMW internauts Maggie Stough and Imran Ahmed. This discussion was generative because I realized it might be useful to coordinate discussion details with students before we go live. I tend to fly by the seat of my pants in all things, but a bit of structure for these discussions makes sense. I'll be working on sharing an ongoing video discussions document wherein folks can share the particular things they want to talk about for each episode. Iteration 4life!
Another thing about this discussion, and why I am learning to hate Google more and more, is that they threatened to stop the discussion midstream if we shared another clip from the show. We were sharing a couple of minute long clips from The Wire to contextualize the discussion we were having and they threatened to shut us down. Total bullshit. This is an excellent example of how out of control the media lockdown on our culture has become, and how our convenience-driven dependence on third party services reinforces that reality. I have to get our own video setup together for these wire106 discussions soon, because I am so tired of having advertising companies dictate how we interact with the media culture defines us. 
Also, I keep calling this episode "The Clean-Up," but it's Cleaning Up." So much for exactitude.

Jim Groom

Simple and very effective work for yesterday's DailyCreate. Are you using Kn own to upload to Flickr and post to Twitter? Would be interested in your thoughts and reactions.

Jim Groom

Love you are using Knownfhub or posting to Twitter. You can also post to Fllckr and wire106 hub and twitter all at once with Known. Though you may have to add tags manually to Flickr.

Jim Groom

"Scenes from the Wire" http://bavatuesdays.com/scenes-from-the-wire-2/ Wire bots for ? Thanks for the inspiration @zachwhalen

Jim Groom

Foosketball #dailyCreate #tdc971 #ds106

A sport created by and for the Gods, combining football, basketball, and ultimate frisbee. Like in ultimate frisbee, a player cannot move with the ball. However, instead of a frisbee, foosketball is played with a football and instead of crossing an endline, a team must shoot the football into a basketball hoop in order to score a point.

It must be noted that in foosketball there are no guarantees. This refers to the difficulty of the game, most notably that even the easiest of shots can rim out due to the sport’s epic and intense nature.

- www.UrbanDictionary.com definition

Actually, Fooseketball is an interesting mashup because it was actually dreamed up by Wesley Clark, a student who took ds106 back in the Fall of 2010. He did a video on the game his friends created in Falls Church for ds106, and it got picked up by ESPN that semester. Crazy of the implications of creating and sharing. Here is the full video:

And here is Wes Clark's original post on the sport from his 2010 blog post: ds106.umwblogs.org/2010/12/03/foosketball-there-are-no-gu...

Jim Groom

First Wire 106 Lunch

4 min read

After returning to teach ds106 as an online course at UMW for the first time in over a year, I decided to experiment with an idea Mike Wesch mentioned while in Irvine this summer preparing for Connected Courses. He noted that he goes out to lunch with a different student of his every day. I loved this idea. And given that most of the students taking the wire106 version of ds106 this Fall are residential students, I decided to organize group lunches for anyone interested. Today was the first one, and it was pretty awesome.

Maggie, John, Ien, and Meredith joined me at a local eating establishment to get to know each other over lunch. After working through the expected initial awkwardness, we sat down, ordered food and started talking about The Wire. And, interestingly enough, we all got into it. They confessed to binge watching, admitted using ds106 to procrastinate doing other class work (a badge of honor), and generally acknowledged they were hooked on the series. Needless to say, I was fired up. We talked about Wee-Bey's exotic fish fetish, the tragedy of Wallace, the existential angst of D'Angelo, Greggs as natural police and much more. It was fun.

On top of that, we came away with some idea for class activities, assignments, and projects that Meredith was kind enough to capture at lunch before they slipped away.

Live Tweeting Episodes
It even produced some ideas for both wire106-themed assignments and possibilities for coordinating activities for the class to come together. For example, watching episode 1 of Season 2 together by starting it at a predetermined time and live tweeting out our reactions. This is something we need to make happen.

Opening Scene Episode
Take all the opening scenes from the 13 episodes of season 1 and edit them into a video wherein they play one after the other chronologically to see how it would flow as it's own episode.

Beginnings and Endings
Juxtapose the opening and closing scenes of each episode in season 1, noting how much they play off each other in a number of episodes. One good example to start with is episode 10, "The Cost."

Wire Colors
Another assignment that came up was doing an analysis of the use of color in the series. And we're still thinking about how we would frame that as a compelling visual assignment. Ideas?

Wire 106: Messing with the Macguffin
John suggested an assignment that would have a character saying something that changed the nature of the episode, if not the series, all together. Like, for instance, Deputy of Ops suggesting a Bust and Buy on a case with a wire would be out of the question. Poor Kima. Kinda like a Wire 106-themed "Messing with the MacGuffin" assignment.

OG Technology
If you were to change the technology in a scene, how it would be different today. Could there be a season 1 Wire without pay phones?

Where are they now?
Playing off the fact many of the actors in The Wire have gone on to successful careers, do a where are they now assignment that plays with the before and after. Perhaps even creating a fiction story around the changes. This could be very interesting for Wallace, Stringer Bell, Snoop and more.

Clothing Change Ups
A design assignment that has you photoshopping one character’s set of clothing onto another character.

Putting Words In Their Mouth
Giving a quote that one character said to another character.

Wire on the Twitter
Create a twitter account for each character in an episode then tweet the dialogue of that episode. This might be a group project later in the semester, it would take some interesting coordination, and the tweets might be an awesome subtitle to a live projected episode at the end of the semester.

Audio Commentary
Provide a polished, rehearsed audio commentary to an episode. Make it a special feature anyone can download and play as part of their watching of the series.

The idea of coming up with fun assignments over lunch is a really appealing focus for these sessions, at least for me. And it could be one approach we take to these get togethers. But the real goal is to simply get to know each other. The idea of residential online learning that Mike Caulfield has written about is still very appealing to me. An hour and a half lunch with four different students twice a week, over 13 weeks, means I could spend almost 5 hours with every student for focused, relaxed, and  personalized time to get to know them, have a good meal, and get creative about what we can do with the class. That to me is what online makes available for a community like UMW. More time to get to know each other, have fun, and re-imagine how we learn together. And what better venue that !

Jim Groom

I have really grown to appreciate your deep, meditative voice, and the pull quote from Bon Stewart about Twitter really sums that space up for me recently. Rather than calling people out on Twitter, I want to use it to run with a pack of creative wolves that want to make things at a breakneck pace. This is why I welcome back with open arms. It's always been the best of a potentially dangerous online situation ;)

Jim Groom

Creating GIFs with Text in GIMP #wire106 #ds106

1 min read

Here is a quick screencast showing you how to add text to GIFs in GIMP. And keep in mind, GIFs don't necessarily need text for the summary assignment.

Jim Groom

#wire106: Ain't nobody out to get me...

First GIF of 6 for the 6 GIF Summary of a Wire episode. I chose Episode 5 "The Pager"

Jim Groom

Well done, now let's post some of your Daily Creates and then some to it ;)

Jim Groom

Nice work on this, wondering if you an upload your next image to Flickr through your Known site to see how that works. Rocking the Daily Creates.

Jim Groom

Wire 106: S01E11 "The Hunt" #wire106 #ds106

1 min read

Meredith Fierro, Jessica ReingoldPaul Bond and I discussed Episode 11 of Season 1 of The Wire: "The Hunt." This was special for me because it's the first time we had UMW students enrolled in ds106 join the discussions about the show. This will now be a regular, ongoing component of these video discussions, and based on this one it's going to be a lot of fun to start featuring everyone's readings of the series. If you're interested in being part of tomorrow's discussion of episode 12, "Cleaning Up," you can sign-up here to join in.

Jim Groom

Wire 106: S01E10 "The Cost"

1 min read

Paul Bond and I discuss Episode 10 of Season 1 of The Wire: "The Cost." And as you may have guessed, this episode is all about, well, the cost of it all. Also, Wire 106 internaut Maggie Stough provides and awesome look at light and color in this episode, and Paul Bond is up to his usual flights of fancy analysis. We're are all getting pulled into the inescapable gravity of this "Russian novel" of a series.

Jim Groom

Replied to a post on medium.com :

Man, that GIF background is so awesome! I want to try that now.

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Visions of Known" http://bavatuesdays.com/visions-of-known/

Jim Groom

Replied to a post on aricks.net :

Love Ted Nelson quote Audrey Ricks shared on her site:
"Compulsory interaction, whether with a talking machine or a stereotyped human, is itself a put-down or condescension."

Jim Groom

The Wire Being Remastered, Rebroadcast in HD

1 min read

Scott Leslie tweeted this article to me this evening. Imagine that, a remastered, HD version of The Wire airing on HBO this Fall. I had no idea, but I guess timing is everything, and Jim Groom's got that in spades! ;)

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

I am getting ready to post the assignment for Week 2 of

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

I am experimenting with replying directly to Sue Fernsebner's Known site. So cool. It's all in the push/pull game.

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

Jim Groom


Can't get enough of the words of the day from the Katexic Clippings newsletter: http://tinyletter.com/katexic

Jim Groom

"hurkle. verb. To draw up one’s body or contract limbs in response to pain or cold. To cower, crouch, squat, shrink...." I love @katexic

Jim Groom

Bubbles Dangerous Caper in S01E09 #wire106 #ds106

Here is a seen from S01E09 "Game Day" wherein Bubbles steals a bag of drugs from a dealer with a fishhook from the rooftop. Image credit goes to Scenes from the Wire Tumblr.

Jim Groom

F**king with Avon Barksdale's Morale #wire106 #ds106

This is an animated GIF from Season 1, Episode 9 of The Wire: "Game Day" care of the awesome Scenes from the Wire Tumblr.

Jim Groom

New blog post: "UMW Blogs in Cloud City" http://bavatuesdays.com/umw-blogs-in-cloud-city/ aka I love @ryanbrazell and @timmmmyboy

Jim Groom

At 5:15 PM (EDT) this evening we'll be discussing S01E07 of The Wire: "One Arrest" http://www.wire106.com/live-discussion/

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Pushing the Known Syndication Hub Beyond RSS" http://bavatuesdays.com/15550/ @withknown

Jim Groom

This is a test of the hub (http://hub.wire106.com) for the post I am writing about how awesome it is.

Jim Groom

Here we go! officially underway! Week 1-"The Setup" http://www.wire106.com/digital-storytelling/wire-106-week-1-the-setup/

Jim Groom

All things being equal, this post will be pushed to Twitter, Facebook, and syndication hub (http://hub.wire106.com) all at once

Jim Groom

Who we fear becoming


Jim Groom

Wire 106: S01E05 “The Pager”

2 min read

In our discussion of episode 5, “The Pager,” Paul Bond once again provides a great post that demonstrates how the themes of surveillance and paranoia are reinforced in the set design, shot composition, lighting, and audio elements. He also explores the filmic foreshadowing that you may have missed the first time through. Paul's posts provide a really useful model for close reading these episodes, and an excellent incentive for slowing down each episode and looking and listening closely beyond the dialogue. It's a good exercise to push yourself to think about what is happening in a particular scene, or even shot, beyond the script. The anatomy of scene, so to speak.

The title of this episode, "The Pager," highlights a throwback technology---even in 2002---that underscores a broader cultural critiques happening in The Wire. We already discussed the surveillance society everywhere apparent in this series, and this episode starts to evidence the concomitant paranoia that necessarily accompanies this enw reality. In fact, being watched is not a conspiracy because everyone in this show is already being watched, and we have regular evidence of that. Technology, surveillance and paranoia is a theme that I'll be returning to again and again this semester, and in our current post-NSA climate, it's almost a given we're being watched not only by ubiquitous cameras in the built environment, but everywhere we go in virtual space as well.

Jim Groom

Wire 106: S01E04 “Old Cases”

1 min read

In this discussion of episode 4, "Old Cases," Paul Bond provides a clinic on examining this episodes use of color, visual rhyming, the noir aesthetic, and more. His post here provides some excellent notes for this discussion, or even a great resource on its own. This discussion provides close analysis of the visual themes at work in The Wire that you might miss on the first run.

Another part of the discussion covers this idea of institutional noir in The Wire. In the 1940s film noir provided a vision of a violent, criminal post-war America. Noir was defined by ethically borderline characters that often stood outside institutions. In Simon's series, the institutional power structure are now producing these shady characters. A post-industrial, institutional reality reflecting the dehumanizing horror of late capital. An institutional noir filled with cubicals, high-rises, burnt out projects, and abandoned row houses. A word dystopian world of haves and have-nots that isn't scifi.

And there was even more, so check out the video, follow the links to the posts, or get blogging your own ideas, hippies!

Jim Groom

Flickr Error Known

Jim Groom

"The Pager" -Technology, Surveillance, and Paranoia

2 min read

"Boops Beeper" by Jared Aubel Art was a visual that struck me for episode 5 of The Wire's first season: "The Pager." The dated technology in The Wire is part of its appeal to me. As John Hendel argues in this piece in The Atlantic that the details like dated technology and the post-9/11 surveillance state marks it as a document of cultural specificty:

These details are dated in the best sense of the word. Few ever understand their present until it becomes past, but The Wire’s brilliance was its understanding and articulation of contemporary life. The drama was an authentic mirror. What worked about The Wire was its very grounding in these years and in the geography of Baltimore.

The pager as throwback technology becomes the technology the street uses to avoid surveillance. Lester Freamon calls it "a discipline" on the part of Barksdale's crew in episode 4. The discipline he is referring to is the work it takes to eschew being surveyed. As Paul Bond notes in his reflections of episode 5, this attention to detail and avoidance of phones and photography is why Avon Barksdale has been successful. At the same time the opening scene of episode five suggests a constant paranoia in Avon reminiscent of Harry Caul in Francis Ford Coppola's The Conversation. It's interesting that the show exists in a moment right after 9/11 but before the explosion of social media---it would almost be hard to believe Barksdale's ability to remain off the grid just a year or two later.

The opening scene of episode 5 brilliantly sets up all the themes of technology, surveillance, and paranoia in the opening scene of episode 5. It's one of my favorites---and highlights a character that often doesn't get enough love: Avon Barksdale.

I think the gorgeous patent pending schematic visual assignment Tom Woodward created last Spring would be an awesome take on this episode---in particular the technology of the pager. I was looking at the patent pending assignment examples done, and these two examples by Shane Freeman are awesome.

ds106 reactor

Tesla Patent DS106

Woodward has a way with the assignments ;)

Jim Groom

Institutional Noir

2 min read

A shot Paul Bond captured from episode 4 of The Wire, "Old Cases," highlights the corporate institutional spaces much of the police work revolves around in this season. In his commentary for episode 1 of the season, David Simon refers to the office furniture as more akin to an insurance office than an old school police department. Unlike the reassuring heavy wood furniture reminiscent of Barney Miller, the furniture in police headquarters is alienating and impersonal (although the detail's basement office begins to take on the feel of another era, when they actually did police work?). The set design reinforces a broader shift in the culture. Thinking about Simon's comment about insurance agencies reminded me of Billy Wilder's classic noir Double Indemnity (1944).


The murder in Double Indemnity was investigated by an insurance agency, rather than a police department. It's as if the vision Wilder had in the 1940s had become a reality fifty years later. Police departments being run by numbers and margins much like insurance agencies, and Keyes discussion of statistics in the following scene of Double Indemnity might be a sign of things to come for police work with CompStat:


The alienation at the heart of one of Double Indemnity is everywhere apparent in the design of the modern institutional spaces, not unlike The Wire. James Naremore's book More than Night isolates the offices and locations of this film to discuss the "industrialized dehumanization" at work in the culture at large:


Wilder frames the dehumanizing design of industrial capitalism in 1940s Los Angeles through bowling alleys and grocery stores---massification of the moment.


The Wire similarly explores the dehumanizing design of post-industrial capitalism in contemporary Baltimore through a sterile police department. But what's also striking in this series are the cuts from the pit and the project towers to the power elite. The show constantly reinforces how deeply divided the haves and have-nots are in the city, and the following shot is an excellent example of just that from episode 4. The following scene takes you from the pit directly into Judge Phelan's office by way of a nice angle that shows you, as the episode epigraph notes, there's a thin line between heaven and here.

Jim Groom

The Lego Wire---it's all in the game!

1 min read

Could for an interesting class project ;)

The Lego Wire from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.

Jim Groom

#wire106 on reserve

Shannon Hauser just gave me the heads up that the DVD set of The Wire is now in Simpson Library and on reserve for the semester. It's all in the game, yo.

Jim Groom

Wire 106: S01E03 “The Buys”

1 min read


Paul and I discussed "The Buys" last Thursday, and above is the video. We range in our discussion and I just did a pretty extensive post on it that I lost in Known (sometimes I am spoiled by WordPress). I'll keep this one very short. Below are the three video clips we discussed in some detail. After that we explored the recurrence of noir aesthetics through sight and sound that Paul breaks down nicely in this post. I want to talk more about the idea of "institutional noir" ---which I'm starting to feel is one name for the aesthetic of Simon's series.

It Ain't Gotta be Played Like That

All Business

King Stay the King

Jim Groom

Keep Calm: The king stay the king

Jim Groom

"The king stay the king" --D'Angelo

Epigraph from Season 1, Episode 3 of The Wire: "The Buys."

Jim Groom

Tell Me Again About My Eyes

1 min read

This is another test of the plugin Tim Owens wrote that pushes Known posts to WordPress. I screwed up the first one, but thanks to Jon Becker letting me know there was an issue, I realized my mistake and fixed it. Now, if this one works I'll have to tell Tim again about his eyes.

Jim Groom

Known2WordPress by way of Slideguy

1 min read

I'm finally testing out the plugin Tim Owens wrote that pushes Known posts to WordPress. If this works, then it is only fair we give the great Slideguy some lovin' (c/o Scottlo)!

Jim Groom

The Wire Everywhere #wire106

1 min read

While walking around the new building I now work in at UMW---I realized I was seeing The Wire everywhere. Specifically, in the carpet.

The carpet is a constant reminder, at least for me, of the iconic image that is associated with the series on its main Wikipedia page.

So I took a picture of the rug and then add a quick title (still working in PowerPoint  ;)) and took a screenshot.

You can see a comparison here. 

I would give myself one of the two stars I attributed to "The Wire Everywhere" assignment I created for this semester's ds106 visual assignments. For it to be awesome, I would need to use Photoshop or GIMP to make the colors of the rug match those of the series icon. I'll revisit this, but for now consider it yet another star, and a new assignment to boot :)

Jim Groom

The Wire 106 GIF

Andrew Forgrave also made a GIF in his recent post. Love it.

Jim Groom

DVDs are quickly becoming the VHS of our time. Buy them while you can.

I saw these two DVDs at Big Lots for $3 each. Steven Soderbergh's The Underneath, a remake of the 1940s noir Criss-Cross, is a favorite of mine form the 1990s---a little known gem. The other is Ralph Bakshi's remastered rotoscoped masterpiece Lord of the Rings. This was a find, and I left behind a two-disc Boyz in the Hood, Bullitt, and quite a few more. I'll be back!

Jim Groom

Dukes of #ds106

Care of this awesome tweet from D'Arcy Norman:

@dlnorman: @jimgroom I found your next theme… pic.twitter.com/vVkN3gjpfV

Jim Groom

.@aforgrave is always good for a course logo, and he didn't disappoint with #wire106


Jim Groom

"Walking Distance"

Watched the Twilight Zone episode"Walking Distance" this evening. May be my favorite of them all.

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Clowny Ass Troll Quotes" http://bavatuesdays.com/clowny-ass-troll-quotes/

Jim Groom

Wire Troll Quote

This isn't based on an epigraph, but I like it as a Troll Quote for The Wire.

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Triple Troll Wire Epigraphs" http://bavatuesdays.com/triple-troll-wire-epigraphs/

Jim Groom

Triple Troll Wire Epigraph

New assignment for inspired by the Troll Quotes. Take an epigraph from one of the episodes and attribute it to another, related figure. Finally, adorn the quote and author with an image of a third, different character from the series. This way, nothing about your image is correct, and you’re trolling fans of The Wire with all three characters at once.

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Wire 106: S01E02 'The Detail'" http://bavatuesdays.com/wire-106-s01e02-the-detail/

Jim Groom

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Wire 106: S01E01 'The Target'" http://bavatuesdays.com/wire106-s01e01-the-target/

Jim Groom

"Teaching without WordPress: Exploring the Known World" http://bavatuesdays.com/teaching-without-wordpress-exploring-the-known-world/

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Blogging from Behind" http://bavatuesdays.com/blogging-from-behind/

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Wire 106: Welcome to Hamsterdam" http://bavatuesdays.com/wire-106-welcome-to-hamsterdam/

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Taking Over the Means of Connected Production" http://bavatuesdays.com/taking-over-the-means-of-connected-production/

Jim Groom

As @mburtis pointed out, and I jsut confirmed with an update on my blog, there's a new version of @FeedWordPress, it's been a while!

Jim Groom

If I can build and install my own pacemaker, you can architect a connected course hub on your own webhost and domain!

Jim Groom

Spent most of the work day setting up/decorating new office in Convergence Center. Busting out all my nostalgia, toys, and movie posters

Jim Groom

@patlockley You know we love you! Although I was Wilhelm screaming in your honor earlier ;)

Jim Groom

@dzim1 Let me know when you're around, I'd love to show you the building. This week is touch and go cause so much work is still being done

Jim Groom

New blog post: "S3 Commando (Line)" http://bavatuesdays.com/s3-commando-line/

Jim Groom

New blog post: "I'm a Reclaimer Now" http://bavatuesdays.com/im-a-reclaimer-now/

Jim Groom

The length of my last 2 posts prove silence on my blog over last 2 weeks had nothing to do with being lost for words. Quite the opposite ;)

Jim Groom

New blog post: "Hollywood Forever" http://bavatuesdays.com/hollywood-forever/ Thanks @mgershovich!

Jim Groom

Men with Hats

1 min read

Mikhail and I eating pizza in Larchmont.

Jim Groom

R1Soft backup solution we're using for @reclaimhosting will hopefully be rolled out for and UMW Blogs soon

Jim Groom

During trip to Oklahoma @timmmmyboy explained new backup system for @reclaimhosting. It's awesome: http://reclaimhosting.com/backups-done-right/

Jim Groom

Loving this workshop at Unviersity of Oklahoma, Domain of One's Own is coming Sooner than you think.

Jim Groom

Two days ago @reclaimhosting turned 1. Tonight @timmmmyboy and I are at University of Oklahoma planning pilot of Domain of One's Own

Jim Groom

One of many highlights from LA trip was Galco's Soda Pop Shop. Detail from window mural https://www.flickr.com/photos/jimgroom/14543063547/

Jim Groom

After early morning trip to DC in rush hour traffic, @timmmmyboy and I started planning new model for using @withknown. Gonna be fun!

Jim Groom

While at , @ccdutton took me to statue of legendary basketball coach John Wooden https://www.flickr.com/photos/jimgroom/14727048384/

Jim Groom

@shauser Wow! I am mroe than ready for this, it's been way too long! LA and NYC coming to Freddy? :)

Jim Groom

While in LA got chance to see @mgershovich's boyhood home https://flic.kr/p/orz6df Love knowing people long enough to dig into their history

Jim Groom

Favorite pizza joint in LA, Lamonica's, still has crazy mural of celebrity-stacked subway platform 20 years later https://flic.kr/p/orzi9x

Jim Groom

Image from my trip to catching up with @ccdutton in front of Royce Hall https://www.flickr.com/photos/jimgroom/14706411346/

Jim Groom

Connected Courses with Howard

You gotta love the hat.

Jim Groom

I am testing my new Known at known.jimgroom.com Let's see if this is working.